The signs are everywhere that a recession could come sooner than expected. Bank lending is cooling, bond yields have plummeted and stock prices have dropped significantly. Oil prices too have taken a steep dive, all of which indicate that investors fear the near horizon will bring an economic downturn.
It’s important to remember, however, that recessions don’t just happen overnight – they’re usually preceded by slower growth and higher unemployment rates over time as businesses struggle to keep up with demand or adjust their operations in response to changing market conditions. While it may seem like the economy is headed for trouble now, we can still take steps to help reduce its impact if it does arrive soon: governments can provide stimulus packages aimed at encouraging consumer spending; central banks can lower interest rates; and businesses should focus on building customer loyalty through innovative products or services while keeping costs low during this uncertain period ahead.
Ultimately though, whether or not a recession comes depends on how well-prepared individuals and organizations are for any potential economic slowdown – so being proactive now is key to ensure stability when times get tough later down the line.
Read more at CNBC