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A press release can be a powerful and effective tool for your brand when used correctly.

Nearly 75% of journalists state that a press release is one of the most engaging types of content a brand can deliver to the public. Such engagement can enhance brand reputation, provide social proof, earn media coverage, and grow your online presence.

Most small businesses assume press releases and other PR services are meant for large, multinational organizations. However, the reality is that it can be just as practical and even more effective for a smaller brand. In fact, the smaller your brand, the more likely you are to see positive impacts from a single press release, given the saturation of presence larger companies have online.

Remember, these are just a few ideas. Virtually anything related to your company brand can be a news event when written in an engaging and thought-provoking way.

We offer two types and three tiers of press release (PR) services depending on your time, budget, and goal.

Tier 3 – Story Style | Tier 3 – Classic Style

Tier 3 Examples

You may feel you don’t have anything “newsworthy” to share as a smaller brand. However, in reality, anything can be newsworthy when written in an engaging and captivating way, appealing to both consumers and news agencies alike. Whether you are a small company or an individual, our PR wire service can help you get the recognition you deserve!

Ready to get started? Fill out the form below!