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  • Bury Yourself in an Organic, Biodegradable Mushroom Coffin for $1,000

Bury Yourself in an Organic, Biodegradable Mushroom Coffin for $1,000

Rest in peace with an eco-friendly twist! A Dutch startup has created a unique coffin that is both biodegradable and organic. The $1,000 mushroom coffin will decompose in less than two months after burial. This sustainable alternative to traditional coffins is made from mycelium, the root structure of mushrooms, which grows around agricultural waste like straw or husks.

The company claims that its product offers a more natural way to return our bodies to nature’s cycle while also providing us with an affordable option for those who may not be able to afford a standard wooden casket. Additionally, these mushroom coffins are lightweight and can easily be transported by car or bicycle if needed – making them ideal for green burials where no land needs to be disturbed during the process.

This innovative solution provides families with an environmentally conscious choice when it comes time for saying goodbye to their loved ones without sacrificing quality or affordability. So if you’re looking for a way to rest in peace while still being kinder on the planet then this could just be your perfect fit!

Read more at Futurism