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Apple Watch Users Flourishing with Latest watchOS Update

The Apple Watch has seen a worrying display bug with the recent watchOS 9.5 updates, causing many users to see their watches turn green all of a sudden. Reports have been flooding in from Apple Watch owners who have experienced this issue, which appears to be affecting both Series 3 and 4 models alike.

Apple Support is currently investigating the cause of this issue and is working on finding a resolution as soon as possible. In the meantime, they advise that those affected should restart their device by pressing and holding down both side buttons until they see an Apple logo appear on the screen – this should temporarily fix any issues caused by the update for now.

It’s important to note that if you’re experiencing any other problems after updating your device such as battery drain or slow performance, then it’s best to contact support directly so they can help further diagnose what could be causing these issues before attempting any more drastic measures like resetting your watch completely back factory settings again – something we’d recommend avoiding unless necessary!.

Read more at Phone Arena