Wisconsin is continuing to set records in terms of its unemployment rate. In March, the state’s rate fell to a record low of 2.5%, besting the previous record of 2.7% that was set just one month prior in February. This news signals a bright outlook for Wisconsin job seekers and shows that employment opportunities are plentiful throughout the state right now.
The current economic climate has been good for Wisconsinites, with many employers looking to hire new workers across multiple industries including construction, manufacturing, and healthcare services among others. The combination of these factors has resulted in an impressive decrease in unemployment numbers over recent months which bodes well for those who are currently seeking work or hoping to switch jobs soon as there appears no shortage of options available at present.
Overall, it is clear that Wisconsin’s economy is performing very well right now and this trend looks likely to continue into the foreseeable future given current conditions remain unchanged or improve further still from here on out. It will be interesting then to see if these positive trends can be maintained going forward but regardless it seems safe to say things look very promising indeed at the moment when it comes job market within Badger State.
Read more at The Cap Times