Apple is reportedly working on a new Picture-in-Picture feature for its Apple TV streaming service. According to code found in the iOS 16.5 update, the company is developing a quad-box Picture-in-Picture feature that would allow users to watch four different sports streams at once.
This isn’t the first time Apple has implemented this type of technology; it’s been available as part of their platforms for several years now, allowing one video to pop out into an adjustable window while other content continues playing underneath it. This makes multitasking much easier and more efficient when watching multiple videos simultaneously or having conversations with friends over FaceTime while catching up on your favorite shows or movies in another window.
The upcoming quad-box Picture-in -Picture feature could be especially useful for those who are avid sports fans and want to keep track of multiple games at once without having to switch back and forth between them manually each time something changes in any given game they’re following along with. With this new development from Apple, you’ll be able to stay updated on all your teams’ progress without missing a beat!
Read more at 9to5Mac