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  • Unlock India’s Potential Through Supporting Sri Lanka

Unlock India’s Potential Through Supporting Sri Lanka

India and Sri Lanka have been long-standing neighbors, with both countries sharing a rich cultural heritage. In recent years, India has had much to gain from helping Sri Lanka develop economically through a vigorous trade partnership. This would help reduce China’s growing influence over the island nation and give New Delhi more room to maneuver on other vital issues, such as terrorism and the treatment of Sri Lankan Tamils.

The benefits for India are clear: increased access to new markets in South Asia; improved regional security; greater economic stability; better infrastructure investment opportunities; enhanced diplomatic relations between two nations that share so much history. Furthermore, it will strengthen India’s position in international negotiations regarding its strategic interests in the region – particularly those related to maritime security – while also providing an opportunity for Indian companies looking to invest abroad or expand their operations into new markets.

In addition, by developing strong ties with its neighbor through trade partnerships, India can ensure that it is not left behind as China continues its aggressive expansion across South Asia – something that could potentially threaten Indian sovereignty if unchecked. By investing heavily into Sri Lanka’s economy now – including providing technical assistance where needed – New Delhi can ensure that it remains at the forefront of regional developments going forward and protect itself against any potential threats posed by Beijing’s presence nearby.

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