Scientists have recently made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars. By studying the thickness of the Martian crust, researchers have concluded that there is an internal radioactive heat source inside of the planet. This means that rather than being heated by outside sources, such as sunlight or geothermal energy like Earth, Mars is heating itself with radioactive elements from within its core.
This new information provides insight into how planets form and evolve. It also helps to explain why certain areas on Mars are warmer than others; these regions contain more concentrated amounts of radioactivity which in turn produce higher levels of heat energy for longer periods. The data collected could even be used to further understand other planets in our solar system and beyond!
The research team plans to continue their studies by mapping out where exactly this internal heat source originates from, as well as what kinds of materials it consists of so they can better understand its effects on Martian climate and environment overall. With this newfound knowledge at hand, scientists will be able to gain greater insight into not only our neighboring planet but also distant worlds far away from us here at home!
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