A recent series of studies has suggested that dark energy may be contained in black holes, which have been found to increase in mass as the universe expands. This is a radical idea compared to current theories on dark energy, which suggests it exists throughout the universe and drives its expansion. The new findings suggest that all this missing dark energy could be hiding inside these mysterious objects.
The research team used computer simulations to model how galaxies form over time and then studied their properties when they reached maturity. They discovered that as galaxies expanded due to cosmic expansion, so too did their black holes grow larger with more mass than expected from traditional models alone. This indicates there must be an additional source of matter – likely hidden within the black hole itself – contributing towards its growth rate and size over time; something scientists believe could potentially explain where all this missing dark energy is located in our universe today.
This groundbreaking discovery has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for understanding how our cosmos works at large scales, providing us with valuable insight into one of the most enigmatic phenomena known: Dark Energy! While further research needs to be conducted before any definitive conclusions can be drawn about what lies behind these newly observed effects, it’s clear we are now closer than ever before to unlocking some long-held secrets about our Universe’s deepest mysteries – including those surrounding Dark Energy itself!
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