HelloFresh, the popular meal kit company, recently announced that they will no longer be sourcing coconut milk from Thailand. This decision was made in response to a PETA exposé that revealed gruesome conditions behind the production of coconut milk in Thailand. The report showed that monkeys were being forced into labor and kept in captivity for long periods to harvest coconuts for their milk.
The news has sparked outrage among animal rights activists and consumers alike who have expressed disappointment with HelloFresh’s previous use of Thai-sourced coconut milk products. In response to this criticism, HelloFresh released an official statement saying that they are “deeply disturbed” by these allegations and are taking immediate action by halting all sales of Thai-sourced products until further notice while also conducting independent investigations into the matter at hand.
This is not the first time companies have been accused of using unethical practices when it comes to sourcing ingredients or materials from other countries; however, this incident serves as a reminder that we must always remain vigilant about where our food is coming from and how it is produced if we want to ensure ethical treatment towards animals as well as people involved in its production process worldwide.
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