Fire-Boltt, a leading brand in the Indian smartwatch market, has recently introduced two new smartwatches – the Ninja Call Pro Max and the Apollo. The launch of these two smartwatches has created a buzz in the market due to their budget-friendly price segment and impressive features. The Ninja Call Pro Max comes with a 1.7-inch display, a 24-hour heart rate monitor, and a 400mAh battery, while the Apollo boasts a 1.69-inch display, a 24-hour heart rate monitor, and a 220mAh battery. The smartwatches also come with features like blood oxygen monitoring, sleep tracking, and multiple sports modes.
The launch of these two smartwatches is a significant move by Fire-Boltt as they aim to cater to the rising demand for budget-friendly smartwatches in India. The Ninja Call Pro Max and the Apollo are priced at INR 3,999 and INR 2,999, respectively, making them accessible to a wider audience. The smartwatches are also compatible with both iOS and Android devices, making them suitable for everyone.
In conclusion, Fire-Boltt’s new launches, the Ninja Call Pro Max and the Apollo are impressive additions to the Indian smartwatch market. The brand has managed to offer a range of features at a budget-friendly price, catering to the needs of a wider audience. With the increasing demand for smartwatches in India, the launch of these two smartwatches is sure to create a stir in the market.