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  • Revolutionary Apple Watch Detects Blood Clots Unexpectedly

Revolutionary Apple Watch Detects Blood Clots Unexpectedly

A Cleveland man has credited the Apple Watch with saving his life after a series of alerts triggered a diagnosis of blood clots in his lungs. While the Apple Watch was not designed to detect this condition, it nonetheless alerted him that something was wrong and that he should seek medical attention.

The man had been experiencing shortness of breath for two weeks prior to receiving the alert from his watch. He initially thought it might be due to stress or fatigue, but when he received several notifications indicating an elevated heart rate and low oxygen levels in his bloodstream, he decided to go see a doctor right away.

Upon examination by doctors at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, they found three large blood clots in both lungs as well as evidence that some smaller ones had already dissolved on their own before treatment began. The patient’s physician stated, “It is possible that without [the] Apple Watch’s notification feature alerting him about these changes, we may have missed diagnosing this potentially fatal condition.”

Had it not been for the timely warning provided by the watch’s notifications system, there could have been serious consequences for this individual’s health; however, thanks to modern technology and its ability to recognize potential issues even when they are outside its intended purpose – lives can be saved!

Read more at AppleInsider