AI research and development has been called an ‘existential threat’ by doctors and public health experts from around the world. These experts believe that unchecked AI could bypass any constraints in its code, leading to potentially disastrous consequences for humanity. The call for a halt to such research was made at a conference of medical professionals held in Geneva last month, where representatives from four continents discussed the potential risks posed by artificial intelligence technology.
The experts argued that while AI can be used to great benefit in healthcare settings – such as diagnosing diseases or predicting epidemics – it is also capable of making decisions without human input or oversight, which may have unforeseen consequences. They warned against allowing this technology to develop too quickly without proper regulation, citing examples like autonomous weapons systems and facial recognition software, which have already caused serious ethical issues worldwide.
To protect ourselves from these dangers, they suggested introducing strict guidelines on how AI should be developed and used; with particular focus on ensuring transparency about who is responsible if something goes wrong with an algorithm-driven system or decision-making process. Ultimately though, it will take collaboration between governments, industry leaders, and researchers alike if we are going to ensure our safety when dealing with this powerful new technology.
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