Dr. Robert Smith, one of the world’s leading researchers on psychedelics, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Despite this devastating news, Dr. Smith is taking a unique approach to his mortality: he is treating it as an opportunity for exploration and understanding rather than a tragedy or burden to be endured.
In interviews and public appearances, since his diagnosis was made known, Dr. Smith has spoken about how the knowledge of death can provide perspective on life in ways that are often overlooked by those who take their lives for granted — including himself before his diagnosis — and how accepting death can bring peace and appreciation for what we have while we’re still here alive on Earth. He also speaks openly about how embracing our mortality allows us to live more fully in each moment without fear or regret because all moments eventually come full circle into nothingness anyway; thus making them all equally valuable regardless of whether they are joyous or sorrowful experiences along the way.
Dr. Smith’s inspiring attitude towards death serves as an example that even when faced with our mortality there is still beauty left in life if you choose to seek it out – no matter what your circumstances may be!
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