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  • NASA Examines Snake Robot for Evidence of Alien Life on Frozen Moons

NASA Examines Snake Robot for Evidence of Alien Life on Frozen Moons

NASA is making strides in the search for extraterrestrial life. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has developed a snake-like robot that could one day be used to explore the icy moons of Saturn and look for signs of alien life. This innovative robotic design allows it to traverse difficult terrain, squeezing through tight spaces and climbing up steep inclines with ease.

The robot utilizes two sets of wheels on either side which are connected by an elastic joint, allowing it to move forward while still maintaining flexibility in its movements. It also features four cameras mounted at various points along its body so that researchers can observe what’s happening around the robot as it moves about its environment.

This new technology will allow researchers to gain access into areas previously inaccessible due to their remote locations or hazardous conditions – such as deep sea vents or ice-covered craters on other planets like Enceladus and Europa where scientists believe there may be potential evidence of alien life forms existing beneath the surface layers of ice. With this new tool, we may finally get closer than ever before to answer some long-standing questions about our universe!

Read more at Futurism