In 2017, a strange object flew past Earth that was identified as the interstellar body ‘Oumuamua. This sparked speculation of possible alien origin and even had some scientists speculating on its potential to be an extraterrestrial spacecraft. However, recent research has revealed that this mysterious object is likely not an alien spacecraft but instead a gassy comet or asteroid from outside our Solar System.
Scientists have studied Oumuamua’s trajectory and composition to determine what it is made of and where it came from. They found that the object appears to be composed mostly of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane gas, water vapor, and other gases – all elements typically associated with comets or asteroids rather than any sort of artificial craft created by aliens.
This new information has put many theories about Oumuamua’s origins to rest; however, there are still questions remaining about how such an unusual space rock could have formed in another star system before making its way into ours – something that scientists are still trying to figure out! In any case, though it seems like we can now safely say goodbye (for now) to the idea that Oumuamua was anything more than just a gassy comet or asteroid passing through our neighborhood!
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