Lawmakers are proposing a ban on Artificial Intelligence (AI) from launching nuclear weapons without human intervention. This is in response to the growing concern about AI’s potential for misuse, especially when it comes to such powerful weaponry. The Pentagon has already taken steps by implementing a policy known as “human in the loop,” which requires that any decision made by an AI system must be approved and authorized by humans before being implemented.
The proposed ban would further ensure that no single entity—whether it be artificial or human—has control over nuclear weapons launch decisions. It is hoped that this will help reduce the risk of accidental launches due to faulty programming or malicious intent, as well as prevent any one nation from gaining too much power over other nations through their advanced technology capabilities.
Though some may argue against such measures, citing concerns about limiting technological progress and innovation, many experts agree that these safeguards are necessary given the destructive potential of nuclear arms if used recklessly or irresponsibly. By requiring both human input and oversight when making critical decisions involving military force, lawmakers hope to create a more secure world where all countries can rest assured knowing their safety is not at risk due to unchecked advances in technology alone.
Read more at The Verge