LastPass, the popular password manager, is in big trouble. Last summer they experienced a data breach that has now revealed additional security troubles. The breach exposed the email addresses and encrypted master passwords of millions of users. This means hackers could potentially gain access to user accounts by using brute force attacks on those passwords.
In response to this news, LastPass has taken steps to protect its users by introducing new security measures such as two-factor authentication and an updated encryption algorithm for stored passwords. They have also released a statement urging all customers to update their master password if they haven’t already done so since the breach occurred last summer.
The company is working hard with cybersecurity experts around the world to ensure customer safety going forward from this incident and prevent similar breaches from occurring again in the future. In addition, LastPass is offering free identity theft protection services for any affected customers who may be at risk due to this data leakage issue as well as guiding how best secure online accounts going forward with strong unique passwords per account or service used online today.
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