Apple has recently announced that the upcoming iPhone 17 could feature under-display Face ID, while the iPhone 19 could regain Touch ID. This is great news for Apple fans as it means they will be able to enjoy both new and old features on their devices.
The under-display Face ID technology uses a 3D camera system to detect facial features and unlock your device without having to physically press any buttons or use a fingerprint scanner. This makes unlocking your phone much faster and more secure than ever before. It also allows you to keep your screen clean of fingerprints, which can help reduce smudges over time.
Meanwhile, Touch ID was one of Apple’s most popular security measures in previous generations of iPhones but was removed with the release of the iPhone X in 2017 due to its reliance on physical contact with an external button or home button, which had been replaced by gesture controls at this point. With its return on the upcoming iPhone 19 however, users will once again have access to this convenient form of authentication making it easier than ever before for them to access their device quickly and securely using just their fingerprint alone!
Overall, these updates are sure to make life easier for all those who rely heavily upon their iPhones each day giving them added peace of mind knowing that not only are they getting cutting-edge technology but also some familiar favorites too!
Read more at TechRadar