Amazfit is all set to launch its new smartwatch in India. The upcoming offering from the company is called Amazfit Pop 3S and it has already been listed on Amazon’s microsite, revealing some of its key specifications.
The Amazfit Pop 3S features a 1.96-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 320×360 pixels and an aspect ratio of 4:3. It also comes with a 5ATM water resistance rating, which means that it can withstand up to 50 meters deep underwater for 30 minutes without any damage or malfunctioning. In terms of sensors, the watch packs in an accelerometer, gyroscope, optical heart rate sensor as well as a geomagnetic sensor for tracking various activities like walking, running, etc., accurately even while swimming or diving into water bodies up to 50m depth mark!
Apart from this the device also supports NFC payments along with Bluetooth 5 connectivity for connecting other devices such as smartphones easily over long distances without any interruption in signal strength or speed levels. Furthermore, the battery life on this wearable device is said to last up to 10 days on normal usage making sure you don’t have to worry about charging your watch every now and then. All these features make the Amazfit Pop 3s one promising smartwatch worth looking forward to when launched soon!
Read more at Gizmochina