IBM has announced ambitious plans to build a 100,000-qubit quantum computer within the next 10 years. This is an incredible feat that could revolutionize computing and open up new possibilities for research and development in many industries.
Quantum computers are incredibly powerful machines that use qubits instead of traditional bits found in classical computers. They can process more data faster than any existing technology, allowing them to tackle complex problems with greater accuracy and speed than ever before possible.
The potential applications for such a machine are vast; from drug discovery to financial modeling, quantum computing will enable us to solve problems we never thought possible before now. IBM’s goal is not only to make large-scale quantum computing a reality but also to make it accessible by providing cloud access so anyone can take advantage of its power without needing their own hardware or software setup.
IBM’s plan may seem daunting at first glance but they have already made significant progress towards this goal with their current 20-qubit prototype system, which was released earlier this year as part of the IBM Q Experience platform – making it available free online for anyone interested in exploring what quantum computing has to offer them personally or professionally. With continued dedication from researchers around the world, we could be looking at massive advances over the next decade thanks largely due IBM’s commitment to developing large-scale quantum systems on an unprecedented timeline.
Read more at MIT Technology Review