Elon Musk, the master of ambitious predictions and futuristic ventures, is once again making waves with his latest forecast, this time about humanoid robots. The whole buzz started with a tweet from Midjourney founder David Holz, envisioning a future where Earth will be teeming with a billion humanoid robots by the 2040s, and a staggering 100 times that number of “Mostly alien” robots two decades later. It’s a mind-boggling prospect, and Musk seems to be on board.
The idea of artificial intelligence and robots becoming ubiquitous in our daily lives is not a new concept. Nearly a decade ago, leaders in the robotics industry had already foreseen a world where AI and robots would permeate “Nearly every aspect of daily life,” from household chores to manufacturing, reminiscent of Rosey the Robot from “The Jetsons.” While the timeline may have been pushed back, the optimism remains steadfast.
In a recent development, Austrian financial firm Macquarie’s market intelligence analysis projected that humanoid robots would begin supplanting human workers in factories by the mid-2030s. This revelation came hot on the heels of Elon Musk’s video showcasing a Tesla Optimus robot skillfully folding a shirt, intended to exhibit the robot’s autonomous capabilities. However, keen-eyed observers quickly noticed a gloved hand subtly making an appearance, hinting at human intervention in the robot’s actions.
One would think that after such a conspicuous blunder, Musk might have been more circumspect about making grandiose claims regarding the proliferation of humanoid robots so swiftly after being debunked. However, true to form, Musk seems undeterred, ready to push the boundaries once more. Whether this prediction will materialize as envisioned or follow the same trajectory as the shirt-folding debacle remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure – with Musk at the helm, the future promises to be nothing short of extraordinary.