G-SHOCK has released a smartwatch version of its iconic DW-5000C from 1983. The watch was first introduced in the early 80s and quickly became an icon for G-SHOCK, known for its durability and style. Now, with the new smartwatch version, users can enjoy all of the same features as before plus some new ones.
The updated model comes with Bluetooth connectivity that allows you to receive notifications from your phone or other connected devices such as fitness trackers. It also includes activity tracking capabilities so you can monitor your daily steps taken and calories burned throughout the day. Additionally, it is water resistant up to 200 meters making it perfect for swimming or any outdoor activities like hiking or camping trips where you want to stay connected but don’t want to worry about damaging your watch due to exposure to water or dust particles.
Finally, this updated model still retains many of G-SHOCK’s signature design elements, including shock resistance technology that protects against impacts and vibrations while providing accurate timekeeping no matter what environment you find yourself in – whether on land or sea air! With these features combined into one stylish package, there’s no doubt why this classic timepiece continues to be a favorite among fans around the world after four decades since its initial launch back in 1983!
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