Tech giants Google and Apple have devised a plan to fight dangerous AirTag stalking. The companies are attempting to address the issue of Bluetooth tracking devices, which can be used for malicious purposes such as secretly monitoring another person’s movements.
The proposed solution would involve adding an extra layer of security for users when they come in contact with unknown AirTags or other similar devices. When two people with iPhones pass each other, their phones will automatically detect any nearby trackers and alert them both if it finds one that appears suspicious. This feature is designed to give users more control over their safety by allowing them to identify potential stalkers before they become a threat.
In addition, Apple has also announced plans to introduce an “opt-in” system where users must explicitly agree before sharing location data with third parties using Bluetooth technology like AirTags or Tile trackers. Doing so will help ensure that only authorized individuals can access someone else’s location information without their knowledge or consent – making it much harder for stalkers and predators who use these tools maliciously against unsuspecting victims.
Overall, this new initiative from tech giants Google and Apple could prove invaluable in helping protect vulnerable people from becoming targets of dangerous stalking activity through the use of Bluetooth tracking devices like AirTags.
Read more at Popular Science