The past decade has seen a tremendous rise in the use of artificial intelligence (AI). From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, AI is now being used in many different areas. One such area that has been gaining traction recently is natural language processing (NLP). Apple Inc. recently announced its plans to develop something called “iGPT”, or “Language Generating Concepts”. This technology would allow for more natural conversations between humans and computers, as well as enable machines to understand human language better than ever before.
In addition, it’s possible that this technology could be used by Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, allowing her to have more realistic conversations with users and respond quicker than ever before. It’s also likely that iGPT will be able to generate new sentences based on context rather than relying solely on pre-programmed responses like most current chatbots do today.
Overall, the development of iGPT marks an important milestone for AI research and development; if successful it could revolutionize how we interact with computers and other devices powered by AI technology in the future. With the acceptance of AI growing rapidly over the last few years, there are sure to be plenty of exciting developments ahead – so watch this space!
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