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AI Lobbying Firm LobbyMatic Linked to Far-Right Activists Wohl and Burkman

AI Lobbying Firm LobbyMatic Linked to Far-Right Activists Wohl and Burkman

Controversial Far-Right Activists Reportedly Behind New AI Lobbying Firm

Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, notorious far-right activists and convicted felons, are allegedly running a new artificial intelligence company aimed at the lobbying industry, according to recent reports.

The firm, LobbyMatic, claims to offer an AI automation platform for lobbyists, purportedly capable of monitoring congressional hearings and enhancing research into legislative and regulatory issues. However, the company’s official website does not list any leadership, and a Delaware-registered entity under the same name only lists “A Registered Agent, Inc.” as its registered agent.

Politico’s investigation, based on accounts from four anonymous former employees, suggests that Wohl and Burkman are operating under the pseudonyms “Jay Klein” and “Bill Sanders” respectively. One employee reportedly accompanied “Sanders” to a house in Arlington, VA, previously linked to Wohl and Burkman’s press conferences.

The duo’s past activities include attempts to fabricate scandals against public figures such as Robert Mueller, Pete Buttigieg, and Anthony Fauci. In 2022, they pleaded guilty to telecommunications fraud in Ohio for a robocalling scheme aimed at discouraging voter turnout.

When contacted by The Verge, LobbyMatic responded with a video link featuring a man resembling Wohl. In the video, the individual acknowledges past involvement in partisan politics without explicitly identifying himself, while promoting the company’s software product.

As this story develops, questions remain about the true nature of LobbyMatic’s operations and the extent of Wohl and Burkman’s involvement in the AI lobbying industry.