Pat Jensen is a US-based attorney and consumer advocate passionate about protecting consumer rights. Pat and her team are in the midst of developing AI and ML-based solutions to assist in the tedious discovery process of law. Through their innovations, Pat and her team strive to streamline the legal process by leveraging AI and ML solutions to eliminate much of the tedious and repetitive work involved in their field.
Pat, thank you so much for joining us today. We are excited to have you on!
Thank you for having me! And likewise.
So, tell us a little about your work in the legal industry. What do you think are the biggest challenges facing attorneys and consumers today?
The legal field is constantly evolving, and the challenges facing attorneys and consumers today are constantly changing. One of the biggest challenges facing attorneys today is the need to stay up-to-date with the latest technology to be efficient and effective in their work. For consumers, I think the biggest challenge is knowing their rights and effectively advocating for themselves in legal proceedings.
That sounds like a huge challenge! How do you think AI and ML can help attorneys and consumers overcome these challenges?
AI and ML can help attorneys and consumers in several ways. For attorneys, AI and ML can help automate the discovery process, making finding the information they need more accessible and faster. AI and ML can help consumers understand their rights and navigate the legal process more effectively.
Most certainly! AI is changing the landscape of how many companies do business. What have been the most significant challenges with leveraging AI in the legal field?
One of the greatest challenges with leveraging AI in the legal field is the need for data. For AI and ML to be effective, they need data to learn from. This can be a challenge in the legal field, where data is often confidential and cannot be released to the public.
That’s a challenge! Are there any particular areas where you think AI and ML can have the most significant impact in your field?
I think AI and ML can significantly impact the legal field in many areas, including discovery, contract analysis, and legal research. Of course, each model needs to be fine-tuned for the task at hand, but once a model is appropriately trained, it becomes the equivalent of a first-year associate.
Very interesting. Do you feel AI will take over many jobs in legal occupations?
Yes and no. AI can never replace a competent trial attorney but can undoubtedly do a considerable amount of work that new associates and paralegals are generally tasked with. If the model is leveraged correctly, the sky is the limit. However, at this time, the algorithms are not advanced enough to perform complex legal analysis, but we are getting there!
That sounds extremely promising! We will be keeping an eye on your work in the future. Thank you so much for your time today, Pat!
My pleasure. Thank you for having me!