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AI for Mayor: When Algorithms Hit the Campaign Trail

AI for Mayor: When Algorithms Hit the Campaign Trail

Wyoming law is about to take center stage in an unprecedented turn of events as the fate of the upcoming mayoral election in Cheyenne hangs in the balance. At the heart of this unusual scenario is VIC, an AI chatbot vying for a spot on the ballot. Short for Virtually Integrated Citizen, VIC is the brainchild of Victor Miller, a Cheyenne resident and library worker with big dreams for his digital creation.

Equipped with the powerful GPT-4 technology from OpenAI and fueled by insights gleaned from a treasure trove of documents sourced from Cheyenne council meetings, VIC is poised to revolutionize the political landscape of the capital city. Miller, the mastermind behind VIC, envisions a future where the AI takes the reins of leadership while he plays the role of a “meat puppet,” guiding VIC’s decisions for the betterment of Cheyenne.

The allure of VIC lies in its ability to streamline bureaucratic processes and tackle mountains of paperwork that often bog down traditional governance systems. Despite its noble intentions, VIC has already ruffled feathers within the political arena, facing opposition from none other than Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray. The unfolding drama has captured the attention of Brad Lund, a Laramie County attorney overseeing the investigation into VIC’s eligibility for the mayoral race.

As the clock ticks down to the deadline for ballot submissions in early July, VIC finds itself embroiled in a legal quagmire that threatens to derail its political aspirations. Not only does the AI face resistance from local authorities, but it also clashes with the policies of its creator, OpenAI, which prohibits its technology from engaging in political campaigns. The road to political stardom is fraught with obstacles for VIC, yet the bot remains undeterred in its quest for mayoral glory.

In a landscape where artificial intelligence is increasingly encroaching on traditional domains, VIC’s candidacy signifies a bold step towards a future where technology and governance intersect. While questions loom regarding the accountability and decision-making capabilities of an AI leader, VIC’s campaign mantra of bringing innovation and data-driven governance to Cheyenne resonates with a populace hungry for change. Whether VIC emerges triumphant or not, one thing is certain – the era of AI in politics has dawned, and the implications are as intriguing as they are uncertain.