Aaron Sorkin, the acclaimed writer, producer, and creator of iconic television shows, such as The West Wing and The Newsroom, recently argued that AI technology could not write a screenplay like his. In an interview with Variety Magazine, he said “I don’t think artificial intelligence is going to be able to do it anytime soon because I think you’re going to enjoy things done by humans more.”
Sorkin believes that artificial intelligence lacks the creative spark needed for writing compelling stories. He argues that while machines may have the capacity for logic-based tasks such as data analysis or problem-solving, they are unable to create something from nothing to craft an engaging story arc or develop characters with depth and dimensionality.
The success of Sorkin’s works has been largely attributed to his ability to tell human stories through complex dialogue-driven scenes, which often feature witty banter between characters who feel real rather than robotic – something that AI cannot replicate yet according to its creator! It appears then that when it comes down to storytelling at least, we still need people like Aaron Sorkin if we want our entertainment experiences to remain truly captivating!
Read more at The Hollywood Reporter